Please join us Thursday August 3rd 6:45-8:45 pm for a very special class taught by Sensei Dave Comi of MIT. There will be no class Wednesday August 2nd or Sunday August 6th.
This Sunday please join us for a special class taught by Sensei Paul Gardner from Eastern Sky Kokikai.
The ninja sisters relax after successful tests for 5th kyu (Amy) and 6th kyu (Katie). Lauren passed her 3rd kyu test but is not resting on her laurels in preparation for the trials ahead!
Canine Sensei Turk will lead tomorrow's class. Emphasis will be on development of positive mind, third leg, and lead / chase techniques. Beginners are welcome to attend; however, all rodents will be expected to uke.
Class on February 28th to include special surprise guest(s) with brunch to follow featuring freshly boiled maple syrup from Lauren's own trees!